Apr 11, 2011, 06:44 PM // 18:44
Ascalonian Squire
Originally Posted by PurpleFission
Barrage can be useful in almost any situation, whereas a scythe spammer isnt.
Barrage is very effective at spamming SY!, great with para shouts, splinter barrage(ofc) and pretty much anything else.
The one con is the range, adjacent seems too small, but nearby is a little too big imo.
What's with Incendiary arrows + Ignite arrows? First one hits nearby foes (3 of them) which gets spread by Ignite arrows (adjacent to those nearby). On top of it, if that follows Poison Tip signer you get tons of enemies poisoned.
I myself am not too fond of Barrage, as it's kinda boring way of playing, it all sums up to one button which should be spamed (as I used to play sin before I got used to at least damaging with 3 buttons, lead-off-dual, summing it up to buffing Barrage only and spaming it afterwards just seems too dull), and it removes all preparations, which is why I kinda prefer Incendiary (although damage isn't as high, but with preparations available I at least get to mix things up).